Rocklin Manufacturing Blog

carbide application

Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 6/7/2021
For decades, we’ve empowered manufacturers to stop losing money due to preventable wear and poor grip by Rocklinizing. But we often get asked, what is the Rocklinizing process, what are some common applications, what models do we offer, and how exactly does the Rocklinizer® boost productivity and cut costs? We created an e-book to answer those very questions. Check it out here.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 5/13/2021
How much time and money are you losing due to preventable wear or poor grip? What savings would you realize if you could delay or even avoid equipment purchases?
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 10/21/2020
We often get questions asking what Rocklinizing is. People see sparks flying at a trade show and they’re intrigued. Is it EDM? No, it’s actually adding material. Is it a welder? No, not quite. Is it a sparkler? No, we don’t sell fireworks…
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 5/13/2020
The last thing any company wants to do now is invest in expensive machinery like a new die or mold. The goal is to get the most out of existing resources by keeping costs such as new equipment, downtime, and inventory to an absolute minimum. This can all be achieved through the use of carbide application equipment. By applying a very hard and wear resistant surface to metals, tools and dies, you will protect your tools and dies against wear, restore tolerances, and even enhance gripping, all of which saves precious cash.
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 3/10/2020
As the stock market swings wildly, we all face similar uncertainties and concerns. How long will this last? What’s coming next? How can we prepare?
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Posted by Ross Rocklin in Rocklin Mfg 10/29/2019
We constantly have customers who purchase the Rocklinizer Carbide Application Equipment for a pressing need and then find more and more uses in their operation. Just where can the Rocklinizer be used to achieve optimal wear resistance, machine life, or gripping? This one-pager tells the story from A to Z.
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